Logo of the 2018 General Chapter

Published: Wednesday, 23 May 2018

Description of the logo: the design represents the hand of someone supporting the foot of another, ready to wash the foot. It is Christ, holding the foot of a brother.

The design is inspired by Rnb VI, 3-4 (Earlier Rule) "Let no-one be called “prior”, but let everyone be simply called lesser brothers”. Let one wash the feet of the other”. That quotation, in turn, goes back to John 13:14, where Jesus tells his disciples that they need to learn the meaning of the gesture he had just performed.

The theme of the General Chapter tells us that we must learn from Jesus: "Learn from me … and you will find…” (Mt 11, 29), to help the brothers all over the world to reflect on the words of the Ratio Formationis: "... The heart of the Gospel is the form of life of Jesus, who chose not to spend his life for His own benefit, but by living for others. In Him we discover that life consists in the art of the encounter. Jesus, by opening Himself to God and becoming an open door to encountering others, teaches us the Christian paradox: that to possess life, we must surrender it "(Ratio Formationis 1, 4). Therefore, formation must lead the one being formed into the heart of the Gospel: in other words, he must learn from the Master what it means to wash one another’s feet.

The design is contained in a brown circle, the colour of the habit of a Capuchin lesser brother.

The circle represents the world in which the lesser brother has his place, and in which he must learn from the Master to wash the feet of the brothers, being subject to all. Cf SV 16-17.

Fr. Luiz Carlos Siqueira
Min. Provincial of the Province of Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo, Brazil.
Winner of the Competition for the Logo of the LXXXV General Chapter OFMCAP – 2018



P.S.:See photo gallery to view all entries.


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