To the Capuchin General Chapter

Published: Sunday, 26 August 2018

The calendar of the Chapter work foresees various reports for the first week, in particular that of the outgoing General Minister, Br. Mauro Jöhri, which will cover the current state of the Order. There will also be the report of the General Bursar on the economic situation. The election of the General Minister is scheduled for September 3. Following this will be reflection and discussion of the Ratio formationis, and then the elections for the General Councilors.

Also scheduled is the traditional pilgrimage of the capitulars to Assisi (September 8) and an audience with Pope Francis at the Vatican (September 14).

Already on Saturday, August 25 the capitulars were beginning to arrive little by little from all over the world: Europe, Asia, Africa, North America, Latin America, and Oceania. The rest will arrive on Sunday the 26. Right away they will have a chance to get familiar with the Chapter ‘technology’, which is particularly demanding this time. In fact, each capitular will be working with a tablet on which they will be able to read the documents in all of the Chapter languages, participate in the liturgies, and vote.

Everyone can follow the Chapter events with videos, photo galleries, and news on the website of the Chapter or through the ‘OFMCap App’ on Android, Apple iOS and Windows.

The Communications Office will be following the work of the Chapter step by step with informative texts, photos, and video.

Let us wish the brother capitulars good work. See you on the various social networks!






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